Slawomir Grunberg (LogTV) has just completed a 30-minutes documentary about Mayer. Copies can be purchased directly from LogTV or at The Jewish Museum's gift shop. Here is the synopsis.
Mayer Kirshenblatt left Poland for Canada in 1934. Fifty-six years later, at
age 73 Mayer began to paint his childhood memories of prewar life in
Opatow. Before Second World War Opatow (or Apt in Yiddish) had 10
thousand inhabitants, more than half of them Jewish. Nowadays, little
is remembered of the shtetl character of the town and of its Jewish
population wiped out entirely by the Holocaust.
When in
the summer of 2007 91 year old Mayer came to Opatow and organized a
public showing of the images he paints, he was welcomed with incredible
enthusiasm. The town officials were astounded by the reaction of the
crowd, as no event had ever attracted so many people, who simply could
not get enough of Mayer’s stories about a lost Jewish world. Today,
there are no Jews living in Opatow and there are hardly any signs of
its Jewish heritage.
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