I had the honor of attending a gallery opening at the Tachles Gallery in Second Life for the Mayer July (First Life name: Mayer Kirshenblatt) exhibition. I met up with others from across the world – some of the cities represented were Warsaw, New York City, San Francisco and Stockholm...
Each work in this wonderful exhibition is a combination of experience, personal recollection and even a lesson in history. There were a number of times that an avatar in attendance said “wow, I had no idea…” and I feel so strongly that art like this has an important place in every group or culture.
The Second Life exhibition of Mayer’s work was actually a simultaneous presentation of the work. People in New York City and Warsaw had the opportunity to attend the opening in First Life (affectionately known by many as Real Life). The images have been shown already at the Judah L. Magnes Museum in Berkley, CA and in Mayer’s hometown in Apt. They are currently able to be seen in First Life at The Jewish Museum, New York and in the Galicia Jewish Museum in Krakow, Poland. Some of Mayer’s works will be soon traveling toAmsterdam for an exhibition there as well.
Read the whole review here:
With thanks to James Leventhal for turning out (J)avatars from around the world in First Life! We are meeting at the SL exhibition again tomorrow morning, Friday September 25, 10:30 am NYC time. Please join us.
thanks so much for sharing this further, Barbara!
Posted by: James G. Leventhal | October 02, 2009 at 07:27 AM
Very luck to see this text, I am in favor of the author's views. I will continue to monitor the site, hoping to learn something more, wanted to know more friends.
Posted by: adrian | November 02, 2009 at 08:05 AM
excellent post, barbara. youre right about "art like this (having) an important place in every group or culture."
Posted by: display stands | March 01, 2010 at 08:31 AM